Sunday, March 27, 2011

Nice, photos, movie, scene
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Check out these movie sex scene images:


movie sex scene

Image by Profound Whatever

We all go a little mad sometimes.

The Amityville Horror
The Game
Catch Me If You Can
The China Syndrome
The Red Violin

(spoilers contained, but, seriously: it's Psycho)

Pardon me while I sing praises.

"Psycho," in the humble opinion of this author, has to be one of the most important movies of all time. Some people will say "Birth of a Nation" for its narrative innovation, or "The Jazz Singer" for its technical innovation, or "Citizen Kane" for just about everything, but I have to side with "Psycho"

First, because it took risks, not only because the subject matter was daring (violent murder, cross-dressing, matricide, psychosis...), but because it did things movies just didn't do. It took the major star and killed her in the first act. It was a stark departure for a huge director: Hitchcock was coming off of "North by Northwest" and decided to make a black-and-white B-movie on a shoestring budget using a TV crew and sets. Nonetheless, "Psycho" was nominated for four Academy Awards (Best Actress, Director, Cinematography, and Art Direction) and was an enormous box office success. It became the 2nd highest grossing film of the year, right behind Disney's "Swiss Family Robinson" and beating the sprawling epics "Spartacus" and "Exodus". "Psycho" proved that less can be more. It showed what a little picture can do.

Second, because it legitimized the B-movie. It showed shock and awe could pay off in ways nobody had expected. It paved the way for an entire genre - the slasher film - and set the bar high. It has become an iconic film, its scenes, visuals, tricks, lines, and music have entered the mass subconscious, and it was a B-movie.

Third, because it toyed with censorship. The Production Code was losing strength, and "Psycho" kicked it while it was down. It portrayed sex and violence in ways that were unprecedented, from Marion's affair in the film's start to her violent (and risque) death. Even the flushing toilet went against the censorship grain.

Fourth, because it has one of the greatest endings of all time. The fade from Bates' face to the car being dragged out of the lake is one of the BEST moments in all cinema: right as the shot dissolves, Bates' face turns into something horrid. Blink and you'll miss it, but good god, that is a moment of pure genius. I wish I thought of it.

Anyway, just thought I'd share my thoughts on a classic. And not that it's related, but this is the third poster I've done for a movie starring Martin Balsam. Go Martin!

Lust, Helvetica

movie sex scene

Image by ToastyKen

(Project 365 Day 358)
Last weekend, I watched the documentary Helvetica. Yes, the font. It's only had special screenings, not wide release, but it'll be out on DVD next month. The film mostly consists of interviews with typographers, and it's pretty crazy how excited some people get about Helvetica! It would've probably been better at 60 minutes instead of 80, but I still really enjoyed it.

Helvetica was invented in 1957 in Switzerland. It was meant to be the ultimate Modernist typeface, neutral, utilitarian, communicating information without adding connotations of its own. It has since spread to be, well, everywhere. I'm pretty sure the air bag warning on my car's visor flap (pictured) is in Helvetica.

So some people see it as practically the culmination of Western society or something. :P Meanwhile, other people utterly despise Helvetica (and they think Microsoft's clone, Arial, is even worse), because it has seen such widespread use by corporations, and because people are lazy and tend to just use Helvetica by default.

I took this photo right after watching the new Ang Lee movie, Lust, Caution (which the "Warning" reminded me of). I really liked it. It has this epic yet personal feel of a classic film. Lee put so much loving detail into developing the environment of World War II era Shanghai and Hong Kong. The movie is really intense (my new favorite word), which is also its theme. The much ballyhooed sex scenes are definitely relevant to the plot; they were more unnerving than titillating, showing the contrast between these moments of freedom and the cautious, calculated world that the characters usually inhabit. (I really liked the opening scene of four women playing Mahjongg, making ostensible small talk where they tensely and carefully choose each word.)

Hm. Maybe that's the argument against Helvetica. It's cautious. It's restrained. It attempts to reveal as little emotion as possible while speaking a controlled, calculated message. Sometimes we need more lustful fonts.

And yet, giving in to our primal desires may lead to tragic consequences... like bad page layout.

fitas vhs 4

movie sex scene

Image by f_mafra

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